Monday, May 5, 2014

Excuses? They're Like...Well...You Know...

What can I say? I've failed. Again.  Pretty much like every diet I've ever tried, I haven't stuck with it.  It's odd considered my propensity to read a ton of OTHER blogs that I can't sustain my little ol' blog here.

I'll be honest.  Between working full-time, driving theDynamic Duo to and from daycare, trying to put together a semi-nutritious dinner for the whole family, and trying to keep the house from literally imploding, it's tough!

I've got to wonder how all these other awesome Mom Bloggers make it work! Hell, it's all I can do to stay awake past 8:30 each night (though, with the longer days, it's become a bit easier).  Of course, these are probably the same women that embark (with success, no less) on every.single. Pinterest pin and have the beautiful pictures to prove it!

Maybe I'll just use this blog as my own personal sounding board.  I used to be creative.  I used to know what I was doing.  Now? Now, I have no idea.  No idea what I'm doing raising my kids.  No idea what I'm doing professional.  No idea who I really am. I'm just making it up as I go along.  I'm not bitching, just stating the facts.  With that said, I love my life - every chaotic, messy, disorganized bit of it.

I'm not publicizing that I've put this post up, much like my last post.  This way, when I inevitable fail to post AGAIN, no one can hold me accountable. Except for myself.  Of course, I'm the harshest critic of all.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Snowmageddon 2013 - We Made It To The Other Side!

Snowmageddon 2014 is still upon us,  is finally over! Is it totally cliché to refer to the past week's weather as Snowmageddon?  I'm so unoriginal, I know!

I wish I could say I feel your pain if you were bored out of your minds - but it was really such a pleasant experience for our little family and I was fortunate to have some great extra bonding time with the kiddos! Of course, if we were STILL stuck inside a full week later, I might be singing a different tune!

I like to think I'm prepared all the time.  Sometimes I fake it really well.  As it turns out, I arely have it together (I'd love to know what parent does). In fact, preparation is NOT a word in my typical vocabulary (as much as I try to be prepared on a regular basis, it rarely actually happens!). Not this time, folks!

I knew we I was going to lose my own sanity if I didn't have a game plan for different toddler-friendly activities during the "break).  I spent a full week searching Pinterest relentlessly for  toddler-friendly activities Brooke and Aiden would enjoy, and hey, if they learned a little gross motor skills to boot, double bonus.  I knew we'd be stuck inside for at least a few days, and NO WAY was I going to be caught with two 18 month olds with nothing to do!

In the end, we ended up stuck inside for five days and spent our days doing a lot of really fun activities - the kids, hubster, and I all had a blast!  For one full day, I was actually caught up on laundry.  It was such an unfamiliar sense of completion that lasted exactly 24 hours, as the laundry hampers are once again overflowing!

Anyway, below are some great pictures of our daily activities during Snowmageddon...Snowpocalypse...Polar Vortex!

Making cupcakes.  The real job here was to keep the Dynamic Duo from eating all the batter!

It was WAY too cold to go out and play IN the snow, so we brought the snow in to us. 

Playing with their new "laptops" from Nana and Papa.  Yes, I'm aware of the gender crisis occurring here!

Sensory activity fun! Hey, I can't help it that my son prefers to be naked most of the time!

We had our first voyage into snow ice cream making.  It was freaking awesome!

So yea, maybe we DID turn a box into a "car".